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Stay with the children’s psychological changes in the pandemic situation

The time spent living in a house on the day of the pandemic is increasing. Covid-19 is affecting the normal life of everyone, young and old. The situation with corona infection is getting worse day by day. Adults are able to cope as much but children are not able to cope as much. In this pandemic, the anxiety of children and young people have increased manifold. Children are spending time in uncertainty and fear. Because, although adults can easily adapt to any change, it takes time for children to understand. Therefore, parents need to be aware that the long-term negative effects of corona do not interfere with the child's normal development. At this time the children need to listen carefully to the various needs, complaints, grievances, whims. Children need to spend more time now than ever before.

Identifying the causes of the child's psychological changes shows that-

1. Children go to school, study, play at home, draw pictures, dance, sing, everything has a rhythmic decline. Even spending time with a friend next door is off now. The school holidays in Lockdown were a bit of a joy for the children at first, but now it has turned into unrest.

2. Mental and physical changes are more common in adolescent children. So, they are more likely to be harmed. We have to pay special attention to them. Adults in the family need to take care of their physical health as well as their mental health.

3. Some parents impose additional restrictions on children in order to keep them under more control. It is never right to treat children like that. Some people try to control the children all the time. Giving advice all the time, enforcing rules and regulations, using strict rules all the time makes children angry with their parents. As a result, the self-confidence of many children decreases at this time.

4. At this time, due to the mistake of the parents, the children are becoming irritable and angry. Anger is a normal process in childhood. But if it continues for a long time and the mind is not calm, deep problems may arise later.

Children who have been stuck in the house for a long time are away from work outside the house. Let's find out the reasons why your darling children are getting angry a lot, getting irritable and sometimes aggressive.

1. The main cause of depression. When children do not get what they want, their behavior gradually changes.

2. Genetics and other biological factors play an important role behind anger and aggression. The environment also plays a role in this, where he is growing up.

3. To solve the problem of anger in children, parents must first understand the cause of their anger. For this, the parents have to listen to the children patiently.

We can be done to solve these issues-

1. To create a well environment for children so that they do not panic when they hear the name Coronavirus and lockdown.

2. As the child is in the house all the time, make the child interested in religious studies, literature and culture and creative work in addition to studies.

3. Give the child a planned time to draw pictures, practice beautiful handwriting, hand craft, photography, song, composition, etc. Take the help of children in making food. Spend fun time playing various games with the children.

4. Get children used to writing their diaries regularly to get rid of boredom.

5. Fill the gap of friendship in the children of adolescence. Talk to them about your childhood and tell them funny stories from your school life.

6. Explain to children at all times that they should not be discouraged by any pandemic situation. Give the child the correct knowledge of how to live in the situation environment.

7. Play football, cricket, tennis etc. in a home environment with children.

8. Make sure that children never feel lonely in this pandemic condition.

9. Give the child a chance to express all his feelings. Never interrupt a child's talents and feelings. Respect children's feelings.

Lastly, create an environment of love, care and happiness around the children. They need to understand that they are safe. And parents need to keep in mind that if you are happy, your children will be happy too. It is our duty to keep the children alive during this time of pandemic.

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Unknown said…
Correct think